Science Policy
I co-authored the new Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2018)
I was one of the 60 experts who participated in the EC JRC project Enlightenment 2.0 and worked at the report Understanding our Political Nature: how to put knowledge and reason at the heart of policymaking (2019)
I was a member of the Committee Muysken on languages in The Netherlands and co-authored the KNAW report Talen voor Nederland (2019)
I co-authored a report on Academic Freedom in The Netherlands (2021): Academische vrijheid in Nederland: Een begripsanalyse en richtsnoer
I'm a member of the EC JRC project Enlightenment 2.0 working on Meaningful and Ethical Communication
I'm a member of the EU Commission Evidence-Informed Policy-making group within Knowledge4Policy (K4P), the EU Commission's platform for evidence-based policymaking.
My article for the ALLEA series Akademie im Dialog
D'Alessandro, Roberta (2017). Academic freedom: challenges, threats, emerging issues. Akdemie im Dialog, ALLEA. [.pdf]
At the World Science Forum in Jordan, on November 7, I gave a talk with the title On trust, Freedom, and Responsibility within the Thematic Workshop The future of Universality of science.

On 6-8 September 2017 I attended the JRC-INGSA-SAS Summer School on Evidence-based Policy. Migration and Demographic change, in Senec, Slovakia.
You can find more here

The 5th World Conference on Research Integrity took place in Amsterdam in May 28-31st, 2017. I was a member of the program committee. More info here.
On 26 September 2017 I attended #EU4Facts. Evidence for Policy in a post-fact world, the annual conference of the JRC of the European Commission

I attended the12th Meeting of the International Human Rights Network in Panama, on October 5-9 2016. More here.
You can find a s short report and some photos here.

I participated in the conference on Science and Policy Making at the European Commission on 29-20 September 2016.
You can find some highlights here
I participated in the Expert Meeting for the Global SDG report 2016 in New York. I contributed to chapter 5 (Emerging Issues).
You can find the full report here.