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Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language
On September 17-21 I'll be teaching the course Foundations of Syntax at the Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language. The summer...

Inaugural Lecture and Workshop on Syntax and Language Variation
On June 7, I will have my inaugural lecture (oratie) at Utrecht University. The title of the lecture is Syntax and Language Variation for...

Advances in Italian Dialectology is out!
The volume Advances in Italian Dialectology. Sketches of Italo-Romance grammars, edited by Diego Pescarini and myself, has just appeared...

Transdisciplinary Approaches to Language Variation
The workshop Transdisciplinary Approaches to Language Variation will be held in Tromsø, on April 19-20, 2018. The aim of this workshop...

Biolinguistic Conference on Interface Asymmetries
The program of the Biolinguistic Conference on Interface Asymmetries, to be held in New York on 10-12 November, is out! You can find all...

Visiting Fellowship for Bucharest University
In October 2017, I will be spending some time at the University of Bucharest with an ICUB Fellowship for Visiting Professors within the...

3 PhDs and 1 postdoc in the Microcontact ERC project
3 PhD positions and 1 postdoc (all for 4 years, 1 FTE) are available in the project Microcontact. Language variation and change from the...

Gravitational Grammar, 2 upcoming talks
Two upcoming talks with Marc van Oostendorp on Gravitational Grammar - why phonology is *not* different. Stuttgart, SFB Incremental...

Open Generative Syntax
A new fantastic syntax series in diamond OA has just seen the light! It's Open Generative Syntax, with Language Science Press! The future...
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