D’Alessandro, R. & I. Roberts. 2010. Past participle agreement in Abruzzese: Split auxiliary selection and the null-subject parameter. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28: 41-72.
Andriani, L. & R. D'Alessandro, Perfective Auxiliary Selection in heritage Italo-Romance. Romanica Cracoviensia 24:3.
D'Alessandro, R. 2024. Un atlante interattivo per le lingue degli emigrati. In Bernardi, V & C. Di Felice (eds), You will shine. Studi in onore di Chiara Magni. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina.
D'Alessandro, R. Raccogliere dati di varietà romanze in via di estinzione: il caso delle lingue ereditarie in America. In Castro & Tomasin (eds), Dialettologia ed etimologia. Studi, metodi e cantieri (pp. 83-105). ETS.
Andriani, L. & R. D'Alessandro, D, T, C drop in heritage Italo-Romance in NYC. A LIFE IN LINGUISTICS.A Festschrift for Alexandra Cornilescu on her 75th birthday, Bucharest University Press.
Andriani, L., D'Alessandro, R., Frasson, A., Van Osch, B., Sorgini, L. & S. Terenghi. Adding the microdimension to the study of language change in contact. Three case studies. Glossa, 7(1).
Andriani, L., Casalicchio, J., Ciconte, F.M., D'Alessandro, R., Frasson, A., Van Osch, B., Sorgini, L. & S. Terenghi. Documenting Italo-Romance minority languages in the Americas. Problems and tentative solutions. In: Nevins, A. & M. Cole (eds), Contemporary research in minority and diaspora languages of Europe, Language Science Press.
D'Alessandro, R. Agreement across the board: Topic agreement in Ripano. In Katharina Hartmann, Johannes Mursell and Peter W. Smith (eds), Agree to Agree: Agreement in the Minimalist Programme. Open Generative Syntax 4. Language Science Press.
D'Alessandro, R. & Luana Sorgini. Mə tε magnatə. Perifrasi modali in abruzzese orientale. Bollettino del Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani.
Van Oostendorp, M. & R. D'Alessandro. Metaphony as Magnetism. In Mirko Grimaldi, Rosangela Lai, Ludovico Franco, Benedetta Baldi (eds), Structuring Variation in Romance Linguistics and Beyond. John Benjamins.
D'Alessandro Roberta and Diego Pescarini (eds). 2018. Advances in Italian dialectology. Leiden: Brill.
D'Alessandro, R. When you have too many features: auxiliaries, agreement and clitics in Italian varieties. Glossa 2(1), 50.
D'Alessandro, R. & L. Migliori. Sui possessivi (enclitici) nelle varietà italo-romanze meridionali non estreme. In D'Alessandro, Iannàccaro, Passino & Thornton (eds), Di tutti i colori. Studi linguistici per Maria Grossmann.
D'Alessandro, R. & M. van Oostendorp. Abruzzese metaphony and the |A| eater. In: Francesc Torres-Tamarit, Kathrin Linke, and Marc van Oostendorp (eds), Approaches to metaphony in the languages of Italy. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter. 2016.
D'Alessandro, R. & D. Pescarini. Agreement restrictions and agreement oddities in Romance. In: Susann Fischer and Christoph Gabriel (eds), Manual of Grammatical interfaces in Romance. Berlin: De Gruyter.
D'Alessandro, R. & M. van Oostendorp. When imperfections are perfect. Prosody, phi-features and deixis in Central and Southern Italian vocatives. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 10.
D'Alessandro, R. & C. Di Felice. The diachrony of Abruzzese complementation. Revue roumaine de Linguistique, 129-145.
D'Alessandro, R. & T. Scheer. Modular PIC. Linguistic Inquiry 46:4, 593-624.
D'Alessandro, R. Death and contact-induced rebirth of impersonal pronouns. A case study. In: Diego Pescarini and Andrea Calabrese (eds), Special Issue on The Diachrony of pronominal systems. Probus 26.2., 249-274.
D'Alessandro, R. & M. van Oostendorp. La metafonia ariellese tra fonologia e lessico. In: Diego Pescarini and Diana Passino (eds), Quaderni Linguistici dell’ASIT. Studi sui dialetti dell’Abruzzo 17, 2014. 1-18.
D’Alessandro, Roberta, Di Felice, Claudio, Franco, Irene, and Adam Ledgeway (eds). 2014. Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea. Special Issue of L’Italia Dialettale. ID LXXV. 2014.
D’Alessandro, Roberta, Di Felice, Claudio, Franco, Irene, and Adam Ledgeway (eds). 2014. Introduzione al volume Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea. Special Issue of L’Italia Dialettale. ID LXXV. 2014.
D'Alessandro, R. & T. Scheer. Phase-head marking. In: Hisao Tokizaki and Yoshi Dobashi (eds). Universal Syntax and Parametric Phonology. Linguistic Analysis 38:4, 305-330.
D’Alessandro, R. 2011. Soggetti non canonici in abruzzese: i pronomi impersonali nome ed anne. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 2: 227-262.
D’Alessandro, Roberta & Adam Ledgeway. 2010. At the C-T boundary: Investigating Abruzzese complementation. Lingua 120/8: 2040-2060.
Biberauer, Theresa & Roberta D’Alessandro. 2010. On the role of gemination in passives: the case of Abruzzese. Snippets 21.
D’Alessandro, Roberta, Ledgeway, Adam, and Ian Roberts (eds). 2010. Syntactic variation. The dialects of Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
D’Alessandro, R. & I. Roberts. 2010. Past participle agreement in Abruzzese: Split auxiliary selection and the null-subject parameter. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28: 41-72.
D’Alessandro, R & A.M. Di Sciullo. 2009. Proper Subset Relation and Concord: agreement in Abruzzese Possessive Copular Constructions. Proceedings of NELS 38, 217-230
D’Alessandro, Roberta & Artemis Alexiadou. 2006. The syntax of the indefinite pronoun nome. Probus 8/2: 189-218.
D’Alessandro, Roberta & Theresa Biberauer. 2006. Syntactic doubling and the encoding of Voice in Eastern Abruzzese. In: D.Baumer, D. Montero & M. Scanlon (eds), Proceedings of the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 25). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project: 87-95.
D’Alessandro, Roberta. 2005. Varietà dialettali della costa occidentale dell’Adriatico. Aspetti sintattici. Adriatico/Jadran 1: 134-150.
D’Alessandro, Roberta & Artemis Alexiadou. 2003. Nome: a subject clitic in a southern Italian dialect. In: M. Coene & Y. D’Hulst (eds), Current Studies in Comparative Romance Linguistics. Antwerp: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics: 165-192