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About me


I am a linguist.

I am chair professor of Linguistics/ Syntax and Language Variation and head of the Linguistics division at Utrecht University, as well as a member of the Institute for Language Sciences (ILS).


My main interests are syntactic variation, language change in contact, heritage language syntax, (Italo-)Romance and Indo-Aryan microvariation, impersonal pronouns, and the syntax-phonology interface. 


I am editor-in-chief of Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, and president of Going Romance. I am the founder of Heritage Language Syntax, a series of workshops dedicated to syntactic theory informed by heritage language data.


I am also series editor of the Language Science Press OA series Open Generative Syntax  and editor-in-chief of the Brill Series Grammars and Sketches of the Romance Languages 

In a nutshell



Utrecht University


Chair Professor of Linguistics / Syntax and Language Variation

Head of the Linguistics section

Editor-in-chief of Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics

Editor of Open Generative Syntax, Language Science Press

Editor of Grammars and Sketches of the World's Languages - Romance

President of Going Romance

2017- 2021

Utrecht University

Professor of Syntax and Language Variation

PI of ERC project Microcontact


Leiden University

Chair professor of Italian Language and Culture

Chair of LUCL advisory council


University of Cambridge

Marie Curie IEF Postdoctoral research Fellow


University of Stuttgart

PhD in Linguistics summa cum laude

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