I am a linguist.
I am chair professor of Linguistics/ Syntax and Language Variation and head of the Linguistics division at Utrecht University, as well as a member of the Institute for Language Sciences (ILS).
My main interests are syntactic variation, language change in contact, heritage language syntax, (Italo-)Romance and Indo-Aryan microvariation, impersonal pronouns, and the syntax-phonology interface.

Heritage Languages and Syntactic Theory

academic mentorship

Heritage Languages and Syntactic Theory
Editorial activity and service
I am editor-in-chief of Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, and president of Going Romance. I am the founder of Heritage Language Syntax, a series of workshops dedicated to syntactic theory informed by heritage language data, and of CIDSM.
I am also series editor of the Language Science Press OA series Open Generative Syntax and editor-in-chief of the Brill Series Grammars and Sketches of the Romance Languages .